AkumaMC Skyblock | Season 5.5 Release!
Welcome to AkumaMC Skyblock Season 5.5 release! Below you'll find all of the changes and fixes that we've been working on over the past few weeks. This season is being done in preparation for our huge 2.0 Skyblock revamp; watch this page!
Quality Of Life (QOL) Additions
- Reworked the item purchased message for /shop showing the currency used
- Fixed TPA requests not expiring (Now expires after 120 seconds)
- Increased the refresh rate for trees in each logging world
- Added the ability to pay Gems & Coupons via /pay
- Brought back the old and loved spawn ziplines
- Added a hologram at /warp istop showing all payouts
- Decreased the requirements for /is mastery
- Doubled the mob spawn chance for every spawner
- The Skyblock AkumaPass can now be purchased using a Giftcard
- Island Top Payouts now mirror Prison
Lootable Changes
- Rebalanced all keys (/keys)
- Removed majority of sellwands
- Lowered the chance to win a sellwand
- Increased the Money obtainable from keys
- Increased the chance to win spawners from keys - Reworked vKit & Weekly Cluster
- Added a new Community Kit (/kit carnage)
- 1x Epic Airdrop
- 1x Normal Pet Egg
- 1x Random Consumable - Reworked Skill Vaults
- Decreased the unlockable level to a total of 250
- Adjusted the loot to mirror the economy
Armor Quality Of Life
- Reworked Armor
- Removed Speed Boost from all armor (moved to skill rewards)
- Decreased Armor upgrade requirements
Skill Changes
- Reworked Skill Rewards / EXP Gain
- Moved Skill "Speed" boosters to skill rewards (from armor)
- Buffed Skill EXP Gain for Farming, Mining, Logging, Fishing & Grinding
Generator Changes
- Added an all new Generator Generator!
- Have a chance to win a random Generator upon opening a Generator Generator!
Ready to play? You can join the network through play.akumamc.net (Java) or bedrock.akumamc.net (Bedrock).
Read this far? We hope you like our new season!