AkumaMC Skyblock | Season 2 Release!
Welcome to AkumaMC Skyblock Season 2! Below you'll find all of the changes, new features and fixes that we've been working hard on over the past few weeks. This season we addressed a lot of the issues that we found in the previous season to truly make this season perfect. With countless hours of testing and developing, we know that you guys are going to absolutely love it!
A feature greatly missed by all of you has made a return and back better than ever. We made a lot of improvements to the prior version to ensure the experience is smooth and enjoyable.
Virtual Armor
Armor, and its additional contents, have been made completely virtual within a menu that can be accessed with /armor or inside the /skills menu.
How it works
There are 5 different armor types that correspond to a specific skill. You must purchase each piece of the set using Armor Fragments.
There is a total of 5 different Armor Fragments, each corresponding to a specific skill. You have a chance to obtain an Armor Fragments by grinding within a skill and gaining it naturally or enchanting your tool with Fragment Finder.
Armor Amplifiers
Purchase between 5 different types of Armor Amplifiers from the prestige shop, each giving their own OP boost.
You can then apply the Amplifier within the /armor menu to activate the ability on a specific set.
You will only be able to apply 1 Amplifier per Armor set at one time.
Armor Amplifier Types
- Gems Amplifier
This amplifier will give you a 1.5x Gem boost to your armor set. - Skill XP Amplifier
This amplifier will give you a 1.1x Skill XP boost to your armor set. - Enchant Amplifier
This amplifier will give you a 1.1x Enchant boost to your armor set. - XP Amplifier
This amplifier will give you a 1.25x XP boost to your armor set. - Key Amplifier
This amplifier will give you a 1.5x Key boost to your armor set.
Full Set Boosts
The Armor set boost has now been completely reworked. The set boost you receive will depend on your armor piece with the lowest level.
You can view all of this information in /armor
Skill Prestige
Skills just got a whole lot better! We have received a lot of suggestions saying that level 1 through 100 isn't enough and that it needs more, so we came up with the perfect addition that you will all enjoy!
How does it work?
Each individual skill has a maximum of 5 prestiges. To obtain your first prestige, you must reach level 100 in your skill. You will also be required to purchase the prestige using money and gems.
What happens next?
After you decide to prestige your skill, it will be set back to level 1 and extended by 20 levels. Meaning prestige 1 will be 120 level, prestige 2 will be 140 level, and prestige 3 will be 160 level, and so on.
Prestige Rewards
- You can re-claim all of the 1-100 Skill rewards again plus an additional 20
- You will be given a money, gem and skill XP boost
- Prestige points to spend in the /prestigeshop
Prestige Shop
Use the Prestige Points earned from prestiging to purchase exclusive items that cannot be obtained from anywhere else. These items are essential to gaining the maximum amount of money and gems while playing the server.
Items included in the shop
- Gem Armor Amplifiers
- Skill XP Armor Amplifiers
- Enchant Armor Amplifiers
- XP Armor Amplifiers
- Key Armor Amplifiers
- 5 New & Exclusive Enchants
- Enchant Fragment
- Cyan Chat Color
- Prestige vKit
Prestige vKit
The brand new Skyblock vKit that you can take the chance to obtain from the prestige shop!
The Prestige vKit will give you the following (every five days if unlocked):
- 2x vKit Crates
- 3x Epic Airdrops
- 1x Ultimate Airdrop
- 5x Pet Trait Tickets
- 3x Pet Eggs
- 1x Legendary Robot Egg
- 100 XP Levels
You can view all of this information in /skills
Pet Traits
We wanted to give pets more abilities that will be helpful at all stages of the season and to make pets feel more valuable. We know you guys are going to love it!
Pet Traits
Added Pet Traits to Skyblock! These OP traits will allow you to boost your pet to the next level. Gain overpowered boosts for your pet helping you throughout the season!
How it works
Pet Traits can be found by rolling a Pet Trait Ticket, these tickets can be found through crates, skill rewards, quests & the AkumaPass.
Make sure to keep in mind, for every Pet Trait that you roll, you forfeit the previous one you had. So if you wish to have the best trait, you will need some insane luck!
All the Pet Traits available are:
- Pet Experience Trait
This will provide your pet with an additional Experience boost. - Value Trait
This will provide your pet with an additional Value Finder Boost. - Spawner Trait
This will provide your pet with an additional Spawner Finder Boost. - Consumable Trait
This will provide your pet with the ability to summon a Consumables ability for a limited time. - Cache Trait
This will provide your pet with the chance to find OP loot upon activating. - Skill Experience Trait
This will provide your pet with an addition Skill Experience Boost.
You can view all of this information in /pet traits
Island Stats
Island Stats have been re-balanced to be perfection and we also added a new one too! Last season we saw a lot of issues with the values, so we know you guys are going to enjoy Island Stats a lot more.
Island Stat Requirement Changes
- Decreased the price of the AFK Radium Stat by 40%
- Decreased the price of the Hopper Stat by 50%
- Decreased the price of the Spawner Limit Stat by 20%
- Decreased the price of the Island Bank Stat by 60%
- Removed the Fishing Stat
- Removed the Value Bucket Island Stat
Spawner Upgrade Stat
Added the new Spawner Upgrade Stat for Islands. This stat will determine what Spawners you are able to place and farm on your Island. The higher the level, the better spawners you unlock; starting from Chicken all the way up to Zombie Pigman.
- Level 1: Chicken (Default)
- Level 2: Pig & Cow
- Level 3: Iron Golem
- Level 4: Zombie
- Level 5: Enderman
- Level 6: Spider
- Level 7: Villager
- Level 8: Blaze
- Level 9: Silverfish
- Level 10: Witch
- Level 11: Magma Cube
- Level 12: Guardian
- Level 13: Zombie Pigman
Generator Limit Stat
Added the new Generator Limit Stat for Islands. Upgrade this stat for your island so you can place more generator which the max being 8 Generators.
You can view all of this information in /island
We added the brand new generators! These generators are essential and definitely a must-have on your island.
What types are there?
There are four different types of Generators that you can have.
- Gem Generator
- Money Generator
- Value Generator
- Key Generator
Generator Upgrades
Each generator has three upgrades that you can purchase to improve in the income of your generator. Use gems or money to purchase these upgrades for your generator.
Last season we saw your suggestions and complaints regarding spawners and the income they produced, so we made a lot of improvements to make the experience exponentially better.
New Spawners
We have added two new spawner types to the spawner list! These spawners cannot be purchased and only found from the Spawner Finder from Skill Mastery.
- Magma Cube - The new grinding spawner
- Zombie Pigman - The new automatic farming mob
We have rebalanced income from spawners to be much better and to be more worthy to grind for and place on your Island.
Spawner Value Removed
Spawner value has been removed from spawners so they no longer contribute towards Island value.
We decided to bring back quests! With this path line, it will show you have to be the very best Island and in return will give you many useful rewards from start to finish.
You can view all of this information in /quests
With the new addition to Skill Prestige, we have also done a lot of rebalancing of skills themselves.
Changes we made
- All skill rewards have been improved and better match progression.
- We rebalanced the requirements to reach level 100 on skills to be easier.
- Increased XP gain on all the other skills to be worthy other than just Grinding.
- Added the Skill Mastery
Fishing World
The new fishing worlds! Work on your fishing skill to progress through the worlds. Each next world will give you better and bigger fish! We know you guys are going to enjoy fishing together at the different worlds!
To go to the fishing world, do /fishing and click on the sign in the menu.
Skill Mastery
This Skill Mastery adventure includes quests that revolve around your skills. Progress through this mastery to unlock Spawner Finder & Value Finder for your skills. As you go through the quests, the loot pool for Spawners and Value will become better and the activation chance will also increase.
This is definitely a must-have if you want to obtain the Zombie Pigman & Magma Cube spawners since this is where you can only obtain them!
You can view all of this information in /skills
We decided that we needed to give enchants some more love this season so we made some special changes and added some new ones too!
We added some new and exclusive enchants that can only be bought from the Prestige Shop. Each skill has their own special enchant that you can purchase and apply on your tool!
These enchants are:
- Grinding | Bloodlust Enchant
This enchant has a chance to create a frenzy, making your enchant activate more often. - Mining | Earthquake Enchant
This enchant has a chance to crate an Earthquake, breaking blocks all around you. - Farming | Blessed Rain Enchant
This enchant has a chance to fully regrow and farm your crops in a 5x5 radius. - Logging | Uprooter Enchant
This enchant has a chance to break the roots of an entire tree. - Fishing | Mirrored Waters Enchant
This enchant has a chance to spawn 5 fishing rods at once.
Enchant Fragment
The new Enchant Fragment that you can purchase from the Prestige Shop. Apply the Enchant Fragment onto a tool to extend the max level of an enchant to reap more benefits. Keep in mind that this does not enchant the tool, so you will still need to apply another enchant level.
You can view all of this information in /enchants
We made some adjustments to Robots to be more enjoyable and better fit the economy to be worthy of purchasing and using on your Island.
What we changed
- Robots will now automatically face the block / water / mob when placed to make setting up your farms more efficient.
- We rebalanced the upgrades and return of interest to be more worthy and progressive.
- We added a new Robot Egg type, the Tiered Robot Eggs, which give a specific rarity for a random robot.
You can view all of this information in /robots
Mission Contracts
Mission contracts were given a slight rework to be improved.
What we changed
- We added new mission quests to add more variety to the different difficulties.
- We balanced and improved the pre-existing mission quests to better match the difficulties.
Advent Calendar
The countdown the Christmas has begun! Each day you log on you will be able to claim an OP reward from your Advent Calendar. Claim a total of 24 rewards ranging from money, spawners all the way up to store coupons and weekly clusters!
Make sure to log on daily to claim your reward, as if you miss a day, that day is lost forever.
Quality of Life
We have made a lot of adjustments in different areas to improve the playing experience.
Changes we did
- Added the next level in the action bar.
- Made skill progression a lot more smooth and enjoyable.
- Added a lot more fish to catch
- Made quests enjoyable and a clear path
- We decreased the consumable cooldown to 15 minutes.
- We added more items to the Island Sign Shops
- Autosell Chests
- Consumables
- The new Spawners (Magma Cube & Zombie Pigman)
- Pet Trait Tickets
- Tiered Robot Eggs
- Armor Fragments - We buffed the Key rewards to be much better and rewarding.
- We removed Sell Wands from the Key rewards since they were not very necessary.
- We buffed the Akumapass to be more rewarding and progressive.
- Added a check mark next to enchants that are maxed on your tool.
We also have more planned for later in the season so stay tuned! 👀
Ready to play? You can join the network through play.akumamc.net (Java) or bedrock.akumamc.net (Bedrock).
Read this far? We hope you like season 2 of AkumaMC Skyblock!